

Development of unique products for regenerative medicine and preventive medicine


The next presentation was by Mr. Yasushi Okubo of Corescope Inc. who introduced a unique product for researchers of regenerative medicine backed by his own personal experiences.
"If researchers can cut down on the time they spend doing routine tasks, they can dedicate that time to more important work. Researchers can have more time to spend with their friends and family, which would improve their quality of life (QOL)." The products Corescope developed for that purpose include a simultaneous-suction style aspirator, and warmth-retention centrifuge tube rack, both of which significantly boost work efficiency. He emphasized that "Our company is about using simple ideas to enhance efficiency, rather than relying on expensive machinery as the only solution. We believe that boosting the QOL of researchers can improve the type of research findings they are able to produce. We want to continue designing more unique products for researchers."

Dr. Fruehauf of LabCentral graciously commented that "The sad truth about researchers is that they just end up putting any time they save back into doing more research, so I doubt we can ever improve their QOL (laughing). However, the products you introduced seem to have wide applications beyond just regenerative medicine so I think you should go after the global market."

The next speakers were three people at the forefront of nurturing industries in the life science field with their case examples of successful ventures originating at universities outside of Japan.


大久保 康 氏
CORESCOPE ㈱ 代表取締役社長
1998 年より医療関連機器メーカーにて電気・電子系エンジニアとして従事。2001 年より京都工芸繊維大学にてレーザー微細加工装置の開発に従事。2003 年より株式会社サンキにて機械・制御系エンジニアとして従事。2006 年より京都大学にて人工関節用材料の潤滑・摩擦特性に関する研究に従事、博士(工学)を取得。2012 年より株式会社サンキ代表取締役に就任。2015 年CORESCOPE 株式会社を設立、代表取締役に就任。

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