

Message from Lead Mentor


From Lead Mentor

HVC KYOTO is providing a key component of business planning for domestic and global healthcare startups, "Global Market Insight". Most healthcare companies are seeking business opportunities in their domestic market due to language or regulatory limitations, but their competitors are coming from the global market with robust power of product development to create innovative products. Startups have to compete with, or eventually be acquired by global big companies as an exit strategy to promote their product. To let startups obtain "real voices" from the global market, HVC KYOTO made alliances with global healthcare companies, professional advisors, mentors, and trainers in the translational research and business planning. Our uniqueness and strength are providing training and an opportunity to pitch in "English" in front of "Global Companies".
We welcome presenters from startups to the podium, as well as partners from pharmaceuticals, biotechs, medtechs, and venture capitals from everywhere in the world as a part of the "Healthcare Innovation Ecosystem" at an exclusive place as a window between Japan and the global market, KYOTO.


HVC KYOTOは、ヘルスケア分野のスタートアップが事業計画を立てるうえで不可欠な「Global Market Insight」を提供しています。多くのスタートアップは、言語や制度の違いから国内市場にフォーカスしていますが、革新的な製品を携え世界中から競合が日本に参入してきています。したがって、自らの製品・技術を普及したければ、グローバルな大企業と競争するか、最終的に買収されなければならないということです。そこで、HVC KYOTOでは、グローバル企業や専門家をメンターに迎え、研究の事業化や事業計画立案の参考となる国際市場の「生の声」を届けられるよう体制を整えています。グローバル企業の前でスタートアップが英語でプレゼンする機会を設けていることが、われわれの独自性であり強みです。