

HVC KYOTO 2022 一般参加者の受付を開始しました!

バナー画像_一般参加者募集用_アートボード 1 のコピー 5.pngHealthcare Venture Conference Kyoto (HVC KYOTO) 2022,
Japan's largest English pitch event specializing in health care will be held for the 7th time!
We hope your participation as we are willing to introduce 4 keynote speakers who have well experienced in the global healthcare business and pitches by finalists carefully selected from 23 startups from 7 countries / entrepreneurial researchers in this field. We welcome partners from pharmaceuticals, biotechs, med techs, and venture capitals from everywhere globally as a part of the "Healthcare Innovation Ecosystem" at an exclusive place as a window between the global market and Japan, KYOTO.

HVC KYOTO (Healthcare Venture Conference Kyoto) 2022 を来る7月5日に開催します!

Click here for details on general participation.

HVC KYOTO 2021 Event Videos
HVC KYOTO 2021 当日の様子

You can watch the videos of the HVC KYOTO 2021 event below.
HVC KYOTO 2021 当日の様子は下記動画でご覧ください。
The highlights / ダイジェスト版 (KRP official YouTube channel)

アートボード 1 のコピー 2.png

/ 開催日時
July 5, 2022 (Tuesday) 10:00am(JST)~5:40pm(JST)
/ 会場
Bldg. 4, Kyoto Research Park + onバズホール」および オンライン
Number of
/ 定員

Approx. 300 people (Only relevant parties invited to the venue)

/ 内容

Pitch sessions, keynote speeches, individual meetings, exhibition, networking, etc.
ピッチセッション / 基調講演 / パートナー企業との個別面談 / 併設展 など

Admission fee
/ 参加費

Free of charge (advance application required)
/ 言語
English (Simultaneous interpretation partially available)

/ お申込み

* Please note that plans may change depending on the situation of COVID-19 infection spread.

Click below! / 下記をクリック!

アートボード 7 のコピー 4.pngアートボード 7 のコピー.png

アートボード 1 のコピー 13.png

Accepting Applications!

〈Targeted fields / 対象ジャンル 〉
Regenerative Medicine, Drug Discovery / Biotech, Medical Device, Digital Health / Therapeutics, etc.
(Prevention and Nursing Care included)
再生医療、創薬 / バイオ、医療機器、デジタルヘルスなど(予防・介護も可)

Click below! / 下記をクリック!

アートボード 7 のコピー 3.png*Alumni / ※過去のピッチ登壇企業

You will get support on how to make English pitches and video production from internationally experienced professionals in pre-mentoring. On the day of the event, in addition to open mentoring following each pitch, we will prepare programs that will contribute to financing, business tie-ups, and recruiting human resources, such as individual meetings with partners and exhibits.The past pitch speakers (117 in total) not only have succeeded in raising a cumulative total of approximately *131 million USD* after taking the stage at HVC KYOTO, but also have received prestigious awards and been selected for large national research projects, one after another.
* As of January 2022, based only on public information of domestic companies, converted at the rate on Jan. 31, 2022.

過去6回のピッチ登壇者(延べ117件)は、HVC KYOTOへのご登壇後、累積総額150億円超*の資金調達に成功されているほか、次々と著名な賞に選定されるなど、着実に実績を積んでおられます。

1.How to Apply / エントリー方法

Click here to request the application form. Please fill in the required items on the form and send it to the HVC KYOTO office by e-mail by Monday, April 4, 2022.

2.Pre-mentoring / 事前メンタリング

The results will be notified in late April. Pre-mentoring will be conducted twice (once in May and once in June) for selected pitch speakers to support the creation of English pitches and video production. Internationally experienced professionals will participate as mentors and will give guidance from a realistic perspective on what the other party of business tie-ups and financing is looking for.  

Vol. 1 (May) Group mentoring: Introducing the points of English pitch and overall pitch
Vol. 2 (June) Individual mentoring: Individual follow-up

    (Online available for both sessions)

4月下旬に選考結果をお知らせします。選抜者を対象に事前メンタリングを2回(①5月 ②6月)実施し、英語ピッチの作成と動画の制作を支援します。パートナー企業・ベンチャーキャピタルから国際経験豊富な専門家がメンターとして参加し、事業提携や資金調達の相手側が何を求めているのか、リアルな視点でご指導いただきます。  

1 )(5月 / 集団メンタリング) 英語ピッチのポイントご紹介、全体ピッチ
2 )(6月 / 個別メンタリング) 個別フォロー


3.Open Mentoring / 公開メンタリング

On the day of the main event, there is open mentoring in which mentors who are active in companies and research institutes from home and abroad are present and give accurate advice to finalists for business success from a global perspective.
Finalists will be selected to make a pitch on the day of the event through pre-mentoring. Those who are not finalists will be also able to participate in the program of the main event, including individual meetings with partners and the exhibition.



アートボード 1 のコピー 7.pngLooking for Partners!

\ Click here!/
HVC KYOTO 2022 Partners / 2022年パートナー企業

*Past Partners / ※パートナー実績

We are looking for partners who are searching for startups to invest in or partner with. Please join our journey to support new talent trying to thrive in the world!

HVC KYOTOは、ヘルスケア分野で革新的な技術を持つベンチャーの、グローバルな事業展開をサポートする英語ピッチ&パートナリングプラットフォームの先駆けです。日本から世界への飛躍を目指すイノベーターを支援するコミュニテイを、私達と共に作りませんか!
HVC KYOTO 2022を支えていただくパートナーを現在募集中です!


*Pitch videos will be shared in advance. Priority will be given to contact opportunities with the speakers even after the main event.
**Only when appointed by the speaker, up to three companies.
***Only when the speaker is receiving the award of the company or requested by the speaker.
• How you can connect with the speakers depends on the amount of the fee.
• There is also a "corporate participation fee" that allows you to use each menu item in the same way as partners. Feel free to contact us for more information.
• ピッチ登壇者との接点が金額に依拠して変わります。
• パートナーに準じて各メニューをご利用いただける「法人参加費」の設定もあります。ご相談ください。


If you would like to participate as a partner, please contact HVC KYOTO office ( Being a partner of HVC KYOTO will enable you to interact with other participants who have diverse backbones by setting up a booth at the exhibition or having individual meetings with pitch speakers at the venue on the day. For online participants, we will provide opportunities for contact with pitch speakers.
パートナー参画をご希望の方は、HVC KYOTO事務局(までご連絡ください。当日ご来場いただき、出展やピッチ登壇者との個別面談などを通じて、多様なバックボーンをお持ちの参加者と交流いただけます。オンラインの場合も、ピッチ登壇者との接点機会を用意します。

Organisers / Co-organisers / Supporters

Organisers : Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), Kyoto Prefecture, City of Kyoto, Kyoto Research Park Corp.
Co-organisers : Kansai Innovation Initiative, Kyoto University Office of Society Academia Collaboration for Innovation (SACI), Kyoto University Innovation Capital Co., Ltd.
Supporters : The Kansai Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI-KANSAI), Osaka Prefectural Government, The Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hyogo Prefectural Government, City of Osaka, City of Kobe,The Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, The Kobe Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
Kyoto Industrial Support Organization 21, Advanced Science, Technology & Management Research Institute of KYOTO (ASTEM), Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation at KOBE, Kansai Economic Federation (Kankeiren), Kyoto Industrial Association, Kyoto Wisdom Industry Creation Center, Life Science Innovation Network Japan, Inc. (LINK-J), Kansai Health and Medical Association, Kansai Health and Medical Care Innovation Council, MIT Venture Forum of Japan (MIT-VFJ), SARR LLC, Kansai Pharmaceutical Industries Association (KPIA), Biocommunity Kansai(BiocK)

共催:関西イノベーションイニシアティブ(代表幹事機関 公益財団法人都市活力研究所)、京都大学産官学連携本部(SACI)、京都大学イノベーションキャピタル(株)
兵庫県、大阪市、神戸市、大阪商工会議所、京都商工会議所、神戸商工会議所、(公財)京都産業21、(公財)京都高度技術研究所(ASTEM)、(公財)神戸医療産業都市推進機構、(公社)関西経済連合会、(公社)京都工業会、(一社)京都知恵産業創造の森、(一社)ライフサイエンス・イノベーション・ネットワーク・ジャパン(LINK-J)、NPO法人 関西健康・医療学術連絡会、関西健康・医療創生会議、NPO法人日本MITベンチャーフォーラム(MIT-VFJ)、合同会社SARR、関西医薬品協会(KPIA)、バイオコミュニティ関西(BiocK)